Friday, August 12, 2011

9 Reasons why the Kid inside you should never die!

As we grow old, we focus so much on being matured that we kill the kid inside us. We think pretending to be all serious is the way to go to impress people and tell them about your maturity. That's not how you impress people, impress someone by your work, smile, humor and your simple approach to life. Don't kill the kid inside in order to achieve maturity, let the kid inside you take you to the path of maturity. After all, she was the one who learned the hardest skills without being all serious, skills like eating, walking, running, cycling!

Keep a small part of your heart for the kid inside you because it is the best way to keep a small part of your heart soft, receptive and always ready to love again. It's the way to survive and live through the pressures of growing up.

1. The Kid never gives up.
Ever witnessed the infinite attempts that the kid makes while she learns to walk? Falls almost a gazillion times, but never gives up! Imagine if you could apply that to your adult life. You're smart enough to understand the impact!

2. The Kid makes people smile.
Making people around you smile is often the most amazing thing you can feel. The kid often makes people smile with her innocence, her charm, her smile! A smile can often induce a smile.

3. The Kid forgives and forgets.
The Kid never holds any grudges for more than a day, she forgives and she forgets. Holding grudges is probably the worst you could do with the small amount of time you get to live. Life is too short to hate anyone, and everyone makes mistakes. The kid in you helps you in overlooking those mistakes.

4. The Kid loves easily & hates rarely.
The Kid falls in love easily because she doesn't know any other way. Being in love is probably the best you could do with the small amount of time you get to live. Life is too short and not falling in love time and again is the worst you can do. Fall in love, sign up for vulnerability and you will realize that not many will hurt you. Your parents won't, your siblings won't, your friends won't, your partner won't, your pets won't. So why exactly should we give up the feeling of being in love just because a relationship or two didn't work out?

5. The Kid doesn't take NO for an answer.
As we grow up, we start working towards our dreams. It requires a lot of hard work, and courage to choose a path that has not been traveled and achieve the dreams. While we set out on that path, we often stop midway because of 'circumstance'. In fact, some of us never take action to achieve those dreams. However, for a kid, he almost always gets his way through (If its reasonable) by not taking NO for an answer. I agree that this might seem like recipe for disaster when the kid grows up, however, if this trait is channeled in the right direction, it can help you achieve the goals you set for yourself. Imagine if you just didn't take NO for an answer and worked towards getting through by hook or by crook. I like the idea! Decide for yourself.

6. The Kid trusts easily.
As we grow up and pretend to be 'matured', we often find ourselves questioning our trust for people close to us and find it extremely hard to trust new set people. However, I believe, trust is an integral part of living a happy life. Sometimes you just have trust and let got. Other times, your still have to trust! A kid trusts easily, and her trust might be broken by people around her, but, she won't stop trusting new people. If she did, no one would ever have a best friend, right? And that is also the reason why most of our best friends are made early in life. Won't it be cool to find another best friend at the age of 32? I think it will be cool, in fact, super cool!

7. The Kid applies imagination before logic.
Today, we plan our actions and execute our actions only if they logical. We dream logical things. We set logical goals. Everything we do in our career has to pass the logic test. However, IMAGINE that you apply imagination before you apply logic. Imagine that your dreams are made through your imagination without much focus on logic. Now, I am not saying everything you imagine would come true but it will help you innovate and be creative. Sometimes your dreams can be achieved even if they defy logic, and the feeling of achieving those dreams cannot be matched by any drug in this world!

8. The Kid expresses her emotions.
There is a basic rule to life: You have to express your emotions somehow. The kid chooses the best way and lets it out instead of keeping it in. We grow up and learn to box our emotions because of the fear of being judged. Your best friends won't judge you! Your parent won't judge you. All they will do is be with you and correct you if they think you are wrong. If you never expressed, they would never know. Unless they are mind readers. Don't bottle it up, find someone to let it go!

9. The kid believes in learning
As we kid, we learn the most and learn a new thing almost everyday. As we grow old, we tend to focus so much on the job at hand that we forget the importance of learning something new everyday.

Learn. Laugh. Love. Live
Believe in learning, believe in laughter, believing in loving and you will certainly start believing in Living.