Thursday, November 20, 2008

Life's changed!

It's quiet different out here.
It was way too go good out there.

There, life used to be fun.
Here, life is tough.

There, life was unpredictable. No clue about what was going to happen the next moment.
Here, life is fucking monotonous. Everything is in routine.

There, the smell of air used to be relaxing.
Here, the air does not smell.

There, people cared.
Here, No one is free to care.

There, life was beautiful.
Here, life just is.

There, there were so many things to do.
Here, there many more things to do.

There, it was all about love and fun.
Here, it is all about work and career

There, I used to be myself.
Here, I am still myself.

There, life was all about those unpredictable fun moments.
Here, there are no moments.

There, the 'trips' were fucking amazing.
Here, the trips are fucking weird.

There, the music used to reach my heart.
Here ,the music just reaches my ear.

There, there were emotions, drama, anger, love, passion.
Here ,it's emotionless.

There, everything was cheap.
Here, it's not that cheap.

There, the food could be called as food, however bad it was.
Here, food is more of a snack.

There, life was either 2 wheels,3 wheels or way too many wheels in a general compartment.
Here, life is about no wheels.

There, It was about living life.
Here, It's living for a better life.

I wish was there.

But, then 'here' is also an important part of your life.

So just keep shut and live it!


Unknown said...

this is so true!.. but whoever writes about the past concludes saying but this is how it is 'now' and you have to live it!.. wish it could change.. miss the past.. miss the ease... miss the fun... most importantly miss the people... but the present holds the future..

Sid said...

Yes you surely get my point...

The present holds the future..

Its a funny human tendency that when we are in the present...we bitch about it and wish we could go in the past..

Be it manipal or US.

But its so true that we realise the importance of things once they are gone..

I guess we will be missing the present when we go in the future that we are working for

Unknown said...

yup we will.. now that i look back i used to hate manipal in the beginning, bitch about it, but now i love that place, and i will be missing this place soon enough too...

Sid said...

Yes you will!
Where else will you learn so much about life :-)
*If you get what I mean*

Unknown said...

haha lol.. from you only tala!:P..