Monday, February 22, 2010


I have always believed in Omens from the bottom of my heart.
Recently, I have been wanting to do a particular thing, and somehow the omens have not supported me. I can't define omens, its just a message by god in the most possible way to tell you if you should continue doing it or stop pursuing the task.
However, the weakness of will has been tough to overcome. Especially because that is something I have been wanting to do for a couple years. And, that 'want' of doing something has been sealed in a box and that box has been thrown at an unreachable point in my body till the time I lie down on my bed and call it a night. After that its a mess. A big mess.

And, I am still confused to let it out or to keep it in.

1 comment:

S. said...

u rock !!! i love it!! :) :)