Thursday, February 3, 2011


How many times in life have you felt frustrated?

How many times in life have you felt helpless?

How many situations in life have made you fill with anger?

How many situations in life have made you feel worthless?

All these situations have one thing in common : You were trying to control something that is not meant to be controlled by you.

You have to understand and accept the fact that you cannot control everything.
The sooner you let go, the happier you will be.

All those feelings can be avoided if you just try and perfect whatever is in your control.
Hard Work. Determination. Positive thinking. Diligence. All these will be required to perfect things that are in your control.

Once you learn to ignore things that fall outside your spectrum, you guarantee yourself a peaceful and a happier life.

So, the next time you feel frustrated, angry, helpless or worthless, just try to divide the situation into things that fall in your control and things that are outside your spectrum.
Once you have done that, work on the things that were within your control and completely forgot about the others. (Get up. Act. Execute. Change it.)
(The division can be achieved by asking yourself the simple question : Is it in my control?)

For example -

You can do nothing about a closed one's death! You just got to accept it, pray for them and move on! However, the one thing that is in your control is to express your emotions. Don't bottle 'em up. It will explode. So, just express these emotions. (Thank you EternallyBuzzing)

Don't fret over the fact that a relationship is not working, instead do whatever you can to make it work :)

L O L :)

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