Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Untangling the tangled

How often do you ignore the minor tangling in your earphones only to get frustrated when you have to untangle a huge mess at a later point of time (Usually when the tangling makes it impossible to use)? Often in my case.

Life can be perceived as a set of earphones. The more we wait to solve the minor issues in life, the more we live an unhappy life. The more we choose to ignore the minor issues, the more frustrated we get at a late point in life.

So, whats the solution?
It must be intuitive by now : Get rid of the minor issues as they come up. Ignorance is a disease. Act and solve the problem as it comes.

Putting away these minor issues thinking that they too little for your attention is a dangerous thought. A thought which should have no place in our lives.

It is important that we unplug from our day to day lives and sort out the small little things which have been bothering us. These things will let you to a path of self-realization and happiness. Life isn't about reaching a desired destination, it is about enjoying the journey to that destination. Don't be so caught up to reach that destination that you forget to enjoy the beautiful part of life : The Journey.

Starting today, heck, starting NOW, sit back and think about the possible issues in your life that need your attention and have been ignored because they are just too small! Unplug yourself from the world, recreate the magic in your lives. Do whatever you should in order to solve these issues and stay happy! Choose your way!

After all, who doesn't love a perfectly untangled earphones.

After all, who doesn't love to live a happy life.

L O L :)

1 comment:

S. said...

MORAL:if you let "it" be ,then soon,"it" wont let you be ! - SB